In my opinion blogs help us develop our communication skills in terms, that one wouldn't use social networking style like: "WT" instead of "WHAT" and so on. It definitely depends on a blog, but as I imagine it - it is sort of personal web-portal, e-magazine of your own.
I came with an idea of creating my own blog long time ago. Of course, I wasn't the first one to invent it, I was inspired by great bloggers and just examples from movies and books. Looking at Carrie ("Sex and the City") working on her column in a magazine made me want to sit down and start writing, but frankly, I can be lazy. I am a writer myself, but the one you might think of. I write things for my self, some notes, thoughts. Expressing my feelings on a paper, I even came up with a book. But I don't think of myself as of THE WRITER, it's just my hobby. Everyday I have thousands of thoughts, which I share